:: gift yourself this 2014 ::
something new and exciting to learn this upcoming year…
Carla Sonheim - year of the fairytale online class
1.Gather your supplies.something new and exciting to learn this upcoming year…
Carla Sonheim - year of the fairytale online class
I wanted to introduce you to Carla Sonheim,
an illustrator and online art instructor known for using
innovative exercises and techniques to help students of all levels embrace
a more playful approach to creating art.
She is the author of:
"Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists: 52 Creative Exercises to Make Drawing Fun"
"The Art of Silliness: A Creativity Book for Everyone."
She made this Paper Doll tutorial in anticipation of her next online class
"2014: Year of the Fairy Tale" which begins January 20, 2014.

2. Lightly sketch in an outline of your doll. Keep your hand loose, and try not to worry about exact proportions (sometimes the most charming characters emerge when we let go of perfection!).

3. Using lots of water, mix up a color to use as the skin tones. Paint face, arms and feet. When face has had a chance to dry, get some red pigment on your brush and "dot" it into the watercolor quickly. The color should begin to spread out a bit for some nice rosy

7. Play!
You can find our more about Carla and her art and classes here:
You can find our more about Carla and her art and classes here:
More Free Tutorials: http://www.carlasonheim.com/tutorials/
Next Online Art Class: 2014: Year of the Fairy Tale
Link to Carla's Online Classes: http://www.carlasonheim.com/store/
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